Tag Archives: Manmot.co.uk

Road House! Patrick Swayze Shares A Great Health Benefit For Men.

9 Aug

Ironically, the ghost of Patrick Swayze, has travelled beyond the red dawn to speak with us about his new discovery, Man MOT.co.uk.

He said with uncommon valor that this clever new website offers a whole city of joy to any guys out there who feel a bit shy about going to the doctor with their problems. Patrick himself had a very public and sad battle with pancriatic cancer which he eventually succumbed to on September 14th 2009, so he is keen to let his next of kin and indeed any of the outsiders to his family stay healthier.

He said, “Keeping mum will never help if you’re unwell. In fact we only get one chance in this life, not three wishes, so it’s really important to look after yourself as we don’t all stay youngbloods forever!”

“If, like me, you’re interested in keeping healthy, but you don’t want to leave your roadhouse, then manmot.co.uk is a good solution for you as you can chat (completely confidentially and for free) with actual doctors online. They’ll advise you in real time and you’ll soon be back on your feet and dirty dancing again!”

Our thanks goes out to the Swayze as his untimely death was a real point break and sadly he never had the chance to have fatherhood as he and his wife had no children. Finally, with one last dance, Patrick bid us fairwell and turned back to join Donnie Darko in the afterlife.