Tag Archives: Australian

Steve Irwin, ‘The Crocodile Hunter,’ goes all Tom Jones on us!

10 Jul

In a recent seance which ethereal character did I happen to bump into?
None other than the ‘Crocodile Hunter’ himself, Steve Irwin!

Still dressed in goggles and wetsuit from that fateful day in September 2006, Steve was quick to tell me about the merits of holidaying in Wales!

He said, “Alright Cobber? I’ll tell ya, there’s no nicer place to take the kids away in the caravan than Wales! It’s nice ‘n cool, great for hiking and there’s no bloody Snakes ‘n Crocs, let alone other dangerous critters!”

He went on to say, “Crikey mate! I never thought I’d like bein’ away from Oz, but Bindi and the rest of the family’d love jumping in the ‘van and havin’ a barbie with the locals, still can’t make those taffy’s out though! You should check out the Welsh Tourist Board for good destinations. Me? I like the sea fishing, but haven’t seen any Salties or Stingrays!”

With one last, “Crikey mate!” Steve once again swam off into the white light. Gone, but not forgotten and surprisingly championing the unexpected holiday destination of Wales! Cheers mate, chuck another shrimp on the barbie for me would ya?