Friedrich Nietzsche speaks: “God Is Dead, The Abyss Lives”

3 Sep

In our latest travels through the afterlife we bumped into Friedrich Nietzsche and his surprising choice of timepiece! Plato, Kant, Voltaire and many other famous philosophers were available up there, but we only wanted one, the big man himself, father of nihilism, animal lover, owner of a very difficult surname to spell and a man who most famously claimed, “God is dead;” Friedrich Nietzsche.

As a longterm critic of Christianity we wondered if he had had a chance to meet with the Almighty yet? “Nien, und I don’t vant to, because nothing has any importance up here in the everlasting afterlife except time which never stops.” Changing the subject rapidly he made some mention about the Abyss, and we thought he was talking about his impossibly huge moustache until he brandished something quiite astonishing before our eyes.

He proudly said, “Zis Abyss touch screen watch really attracts me as its endlessly black face seems to suck you into its nothingness until…you touch it’s face, zen it displays ze time in bright blue points of light.”

We suppose when you have so much time on your hands a new timepiece experience can really help kill time or indeed God!

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