Cha’mone! The King Of Pop Reveals His Favorite Spy Gadget

23 Aug

It was only a matter of time before we met the King of Pop up here. MJ took time out to give us his story about a gadget which he feels is a thriller indeed.

Before his untimely (timely?) demise, Michael had started using a Calculator Spy Camera – Hidden Spy Gadget on his chest of drawers in the bedroom. He said, “I just love spy gadgets like this calculator! It’s a replica of a real calculator that I’ve been using to work out how much I owe those sheiks and my Beatles royalties, but the best bit is that it records hours of video onto its 4GB memory card!” He added, “The video will show that I always slept on the floor, never on the bed!”

Given that his death has now become somewhat of a whodunnit, I suggest that the feds can check the calculator to see what really happened, but it’s so cunningly disguised that they probably missed it!

So where did you get this calculator Michael? “I went to the best online source for smooth criminals’ spy gadgets, Chinavasion Wholesale. So cha’mone today, hee heeee!”

Erm, thanks Michael…pass the Jesus juice would you.

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