Archive | August, 2010

Cha’mone! The King Of Pop Reveals His Favorite Spy Gadget

23 Aug

It was only a matter of time before we met the King of Pop up here. MJ took time out to give us his story about a gadget which he feels is a thriller indeed.

Before his untimely (timely?) demise, Michael had started using a Calculator Spy Camera – Hidden Spy Gadget on his chest of drawers in the bedroom. He said, “I just love spy gadgets like this calculator! It’s a replica of a real calculator that I’ve been using to work out how much I owe those sheiks and my Beatles royalties, but the best bit is that it records hours of video onto its 4GB memory card!” He added, “The video will show that I always slept on the floor, never on the bed!”

Given that his death has now become somewhat of a whodunnit, I suggest that the feds can check the calculator to see what really happened, but it’s so cunningly disguised that they probably missed it!

So where did you get this calculator Michael? “I went to the best online source for smooth criminals’ spy gadgets, Chinavasion Wholesale. So cha’mone today, hee heeee!”

Erm, thanks Michael…pass the Jesus juice would you.

Road House! Patrick Swayze Shares A Great Health Benefit For Men.

9 Aug

Ironically, the ghost of Patrick Swayze, has travelled beyond the red dawn to speak with us about his new discovery, Man

He said with uncommon valor that this clever new website offers a whole city of joy to any guys out there who feel a bit shy about going to the doctor with their problems. Patrick himself had a very public and sad battle with pancriatic cancer which he eventually succumbed to on September 14th 2009, so he is keen to let his next of kin and indeed any of the outsiders to his family stay healthier.

He said, “Keeping mum will never help if you’re unwell. In fact we only get one chance in this life, not three wishes, so it’s really important to look after yourself as we don’t all stay youngbloods forever!”

“If, like me, you’re interested in keeping healthy, but you don’t want to leave your roadhouse, then is a good solution for you as you can chat (completely confidentially and for free) with actual doctors online. They’ll advise you in real time and you’ll soon be back on your feet and dirty dancing again!”

Our thanks goes out to the Swayze as his untimely death was a real point break and sadly he never had the chance to have fatherhood as he and his wife had no children. Finally, with one last dance, Patrick bid us fairwell and turned back to join Donnie Darko in the afterlife.

HRH Princess Diana of Wales Endorses Breathalyser Keyring

3 Aug

Princess Diana

The Peoples’ Princess took time to speak with us about the merits of a very handy little gadget. No, not the seatbelt (although the merits of these is well-documented), but the Breathalyser Key Chain from China wholesale kings Chinavasion.

“If only Henry had used one of these lovely little gadgets,” she said, “then perhaps my evening out wouldn’t have ended so badly.” She added, “In fact, these key chains are so cheap that I could give on to every member of my household to make sure that future journeys are safe!”

Breathalyzer Keychain Car Gadget - Flashlight + Stopwatch

So there you have it, the Breathalyzer Keychain Car Gadget – Flashlight + Stopwatch, as endorsed by the Princess of Wales. Suitable for your own prince or princess, or perhaps your chauffeur who likes a tipple while waiting around.

With that the Lady Di turned and started into the white light. Now, where’s that seatbelt? There’s a tunnel coming up…