Archive | June, 2010

Kurt Cobain Champions The New iPhone 4G

28 Jun

Kurt Cobain, lead singer of 90’s ‘Grunge’ pioneers Nirvana, has spoken out from the grave in favour of Apple’s new iPhone 4G.

He stated, “The new iPhone really does seem to have changed everything again, and had it been around in 1994 I think its multitasking, HD video and retina display would’ve given me more reason to live than the heroin ever could.” No doubt it would also have been a safer option than a shotgun.

Reports that Dave Grohl is a big ‘Android’ phone fan have yet to be confirmed…

Nixon Gets Biometric Lock Suitcase

10 Jun

Richard Nixon, 37th president of the United States and the only US president to resign from office is sure that he won’t be leaking any more secrets now he’s got his Fingerprint briefcase.

“I wish I had this in 1972,” said Mr Nixon. “Sure biometric locks didn’t exist then but if they did Watergate would still just be a overpriced, overhyped hotel.”

Mitch Hedburg Heads Sesame Campaign

7 Jun

Mitch Hedburg spke out at his Minneapolis resting place today to announce that it was his personal goal to make sure that every American family had a Sesame plant in their home.

“I have just now found out where a sesame comes from…they now have purpose.”

Mr Hedburg was most impressed by the seeds seeds’ value for sources of iron, magnesium, manganese and copper.

“Finally, I can stop chewing on these pipes and needles.”

According to Mr Hedburg, the lime-filled buoyancy vest was still in the works but should be out in the next 12 months.

“Soon we can all be saved by the buoyancy of citrus.”